Monday, October 17, 2011

Miholjsko leto i naglo zahlađenje -- Indian summer and a sudden winter

Evo kako smo mi proveli poslednjih par dana lepog vremena:

This is how we spent the last sunny days in September:

1. Igrali smo se improvizovane školice. Krugovi su kamenčići na koje treba da se stane da bi se prešla reka. Odlična igra za trošenje dečje energije. Kasnije možete pokušati pogoditi loptom određeni krug (tj. kamen).

We played improvized hopscotch. The circles are stones which you are supposed to step on in order to cross the river. It's a great game to channel your kid's energy. You can later try to hit a certain circle (ie. stone) with a ball.

2. Nacrtali smo kvart po Eminom izboru. Ucrtali smo sva mesta koja ona voli - bakinu i dedinu kuću, igralište, vrtić, prodavnicu, park itd. Onda smo se vozili kamionom od mesta do mesta i prevozili razne životinje, krede i sve što se može transportovati.

We used a chalk to draw a city block on the concrete in our yard. We drew all of Ema's favourite places - grandma and grandpa's house, the playground, the daycare, the store, the park, etc. Then we rode the truck from place to place and filled it with toy animals, chalk and all other things that can be transported.

3. Baka nam je dala pun lavor okrunjenog kukuruza i gomilu raznih plastičnih posuda, lopaticu i kašiku. Presipanje kukuruza iz jedne posude u drugu je trajalo više od sat vremena. Isto smo pokušali i kod kuće, u zatvorenom prostoru, sa pirinčem. Emi je bilo jednako zabavno, a meni još zabavnije da pokupim pirinač pod nameštajem.

Grandma gave us loads of corn seed and a bunch of plastic boxes, a plastic shovel and a spoon. The pouring of the corn seed from one box into another lasted for over an hour. We tried the same thing indoors, using rice. It was just as fun for Ema, and even more fun for me, trying to pick up all the rice from underneath the furniture.

A onda je zahladnelo...

And then it got cold....

1. Pošto je dosta teško pronaći gotove aktivnosti za klince ovog uzrasta, crtala sam Emi razne zadatke. Ovde je potrebno spojiti šerpe i poklopce koji su iste boje. Rešavali smo zadatke gde je potrebno spojiti koku sa jajetom iste boje, telo sa njegovim delovima, i sl.

Since it can be difficult to find ready made activities for kids this age, I draw different tasks for Ema myself. Here she was supposed to match the pans with lids of the same colour. We also had tasks to match a chicken with the egg of the same colour, or the body with the missing body parts, etc.

2. Ovo je jedna odlična ideja koju sam pronašla na blogu mame ne rade na repeat. Naime, od trulex krpe isečete razne geometrijske oblike i unutar njih prosečete otvor. Na krajeve kanapa vežete po dugme, dovoljno veliko da možete da ga provučete kroz otvor. Dete treba da naniže geometrijske oblike na kanap. Odlična igra za razvijanje motorike, ali i za učenje naziva boja, oblika ili čega god se još setite. Veličinu dugmića i rupice prilagodite detetu.

This is a great idea I've found on the blog moms don't work on repeat. What you need to do is to cut the cloths you use to wipe dust or tables with (unused ones, of course) into various geometrical shapes and to cut out an opening in the middle of them. On the ends of a string you are to tie a button, big enough to be able to slide it through the cutout. The child is supposed to line the geometrical shapes on the string. This is a great game to work on motor skills, but also for learning the names for colours, shapes or whatever you can think of. Adjust the size of the button and the cutout to the skill of your child.


  1. Ne voliš da skupljaš pirinač ispod kreveta:)!?

  2. speechless me!
    priceless your ideas!

  3. Evo, baš danas sam se sagnula da nešto pokupim i zagledala svo blago što mi ga djeca ostaviše ispod kauča - ma obiteljski ručak bi se dao napraviti!

    Nego - svaka čast na angažiranosti - gotovo sam posramljena!

  4. Ukoliko volis da pises po forumima ili zelis da budes urednik javi mi se!


  5. baš ste se lepo zabavljale, svrati kod mene na blog po nagradu :-)

  6. Kakva MAMA :O Najbolja mama na svetu? Moja mama :)
