Thursday, July 5, 2012

Poppy Mania

Znači, gde su dve, tu su i četiri. Ova mustra je odlična za poklone, tako da sam napravila još dve kapice. Iskustva sa mustrom možete pročitati u prethodnom postu na tu temu, u ovom se samo hvalim dobrim fotkama.

You know what they say - when you have two, you might as well go for four. Ok, I admit, nobody says that, but when it comes to this pattern it might just be true. It's a great pattern for making presents, especially when you're short on time. You can read all about my experiences with this pattern here, this post is just for showing off the good photos.


  1. ne mogu da verujem kako je ispozirala na slicicama :) jako cakano joj stoje ove kapice :)

  2. Kapice su jako zensvene:) A model k`o bombona:)

  3. Ovaj blog polako postaje manekenski :)))

  4. Da, pozira k'o velika. Čak se i ne primeti da je tokom ovog "fotosešna" bilo 38 stepeni :)
