Čitajući knjige o kojima sam pisala u prethodnom postu, naišli smo na termin „paleontolog“ i naučili da se on bavi iskopavanjem fosila. To se Emi učinilo kao veoma zanimljivo zanimanje, pa smo i same napravile svoje fosile.

Za izradu fosila vam je potrebno slano testo, figurice dinosaurusa i rerna ili mikrotalasna.
Recept za slano testo je sledeći:
- 1 šolja brašna
- 1/2 šolje soli
- 1/2 šolje vode
Prvo pomešajte brašno i so i potom polako dolivajte vodu (meni je bilo potrebno manje od pola šolje). Umesite testo tako da konzistencijom podseća na meku glinu.
Potom utisnite figurice u testo, poslažite fosile na tanjir i stavite u mikrotalasnu. Uključite je na opciju „defrost“ (odmrzavanje) ili čak i na slabiju temperaturu i za početak na vreme od 5 minuta. Kada se mikrotalasna isključi, okrenite fosile na drugu stranu i uključite ponovo. Dužina sušenja fosila zavisi od debljine testa, pa se taj proces uglavnom oslanja na princip isprobavanja. Fosile možete sušiti i u rerni, na slaboj temperaturi, mada će vam trebati značajno više vremena.
Kada se fosili osuše, možete ih obojiti. Mi smo naše obojili flomasterima. Zatim je Ema pokušavala da otkrije koji fosil pripada kom dinosaurusu.
A potom smo se igrali paleontologa. Na listiće papira sam ispisala „tragove“ (ili zadatke), spakovala ih u koverte i svaki od njih zajedno sa po jednim fosilom sakrila po stanu. Prvi zadatak zadržite kod sebe, drugi zadatak i prvi fosil sakrijete tamo gde je rešenje tog prvog zadatka. Treći zadatak i drugi fosil postavite na mesto rešenja drugog zadatka i tako dalje. Uz poslednji fosil sam stavila i mali slatkiš, kao nagradu za uspešni paleontološki poduhvat.
Napravila sam dve vrste zadataka, jednu jednostavniju i jednu malo složeniju varijantu.
Jednostavnija varijanta je izgledala ovako: na papiriće sam napisala
Mapa za paleontologa, pa broj zadatka, pa mesto gde je fosil sakriven:
Mapa za paleontologa
1. fioka sa peškirima
Mapa za peleontologa
2. fioka sa bojicama
Mapa za paleontologa
3. orman sa cipelama, i tako dalje.
Ili ovako:
Mapa za paleontologa
šta ti je potrebno za postavljanje stola? (tanjiri, odn. fioka sa tanjirima)
šta još? (escajg, odn. fioka sa escajgom)
i šta još? (salvete, odn. korpica gde nam stoje salvete)
Složenija varijanta je imala zadatke ovog tipa:
Kada mi je lutka prehlađena,
ili je boli glava,
ja želim da je pregledam,
pa mi treba pribor za ... (lekara)
Postoji jedno mesto
gde je uvek hladno,
pažljivo otvori vrata
i naći ćeš me tamo. (frižider)
U kutiji sam crne boje
gde čuvaš šnalice svoje.
Tamo gde uveče spustiš glavu
pronaći ćeš još jednu tajnu malu. (ispod jastuka)
U kuhinju me je sakrio neko,
tamo gde tata i mama greju mleko. (mikrotalasna)
A onda se Ema opremila odgovarajućim priborom (zaštitne naočare, baterijska lampa, mali čekić, rukavice i lupa) i krenula u potragu. Ako imate malu baterijsku lampu u kući, preporučujem vam da isključite ili barem prigušite svetlo u prostorijama u kojima ste sakrili fosile, potraga je tako mnogo zanimljivija.
Prvom sledećom prilikom kada budemo išli kod bake, planiram da napunim neku veću plastičnu kutiju peskom ili šljunkom, da unutra sakrijem fosile i da pustim Emu da kopa i da ih traži.
* * *
reading the books I wrote about in the previous post, we came across a
“paleontologist” and learnt that the paleontologist’s job is to find fossils.
Ema found that job to be very interesting, so we decided to make our own
To make
your own fossils you will need some salt dough, small plastic dinosaurs and a
regular or microwave oven.
recipe for salt dough is as follows:
cup of flour
cup of salt
cup of water
mix the flour and the salt, then slowly add the water (I needed less than ½
cup). Knead the dough so that it resembles soft clay.
make impressions of the dinosaurs in the dough, lay your fossils on a
plate and put the plate in the microwave. Set the microwave to “defrost” or
even a lower temperature, for about 5 minutes for a start. When the microwave
turns off, turn the fossils and put them back in the microwave. How long you
will have to dry them depends on how thick your dough is. You can dry the
fossils in the regular oven as well, on a low temperature, but it will take
significantly longer.
When the
fossils are dry, you can paint them (we used markers). After that, Ema tried to
match the dinosaur to its fossil.
The next
day we pretended to be paleontologists. I left clues (or tasks) on pieces of
paper, put them in small envelopes and hid each of them with one fossil around
our flat. Keep the first clue, hide the second one and the first fossil in a place that
is the solution for the first clue. The third clue and the second fossil should
be hidden in the place that is the answer to the second clue, and so on. I have
hidden a small treat together with the last fossil, as a reward for a job well
I made
two types of clues, a simpler and a more complex version. The simple one looked
like this: I wrote Paleontologist’s map
in the header of each piece of paper, the number of the task and the place
where the fossil is hidden:
Paleontologist’s map
1. The
towel drawer
The drawer with crayons
Shoe closet, etc.
like this:
What do you need to set the table?
(plates, i.e.
the plates drawer)
What else do you need? (cutlery, i.e. the cutlery
And what else? (serviettes, i.e. the small
basket where we keep the serviettes)
The more
complex version of the clues looked like this:
When my doll is ill,
Or something troubles my pet,
I have to check their health,
So I need my … (doctor’s set).
There is a place in your house
Where it is always cold,
Take a look inside,
Don’t be afraid, be bold! (fridge)
I had
many more, but it is not easy to translate them into English and keep the
rhyme. The other places
around the flat were under the pillow, in the microwave, in Ema’s box where she
keeps her hairpins, under the laundry basket, etc.
After I
hid the clues and the fossils, Ema armed herself with tools for a
paleontological expedition (goggles, flashlight, a small hammer, gloves and a
magnifying glass) and set on with the task. If you have a small flashlight, I
suggest you turn off or at least dim the lights in the room where the child
searches for the fossils, it makes the search more interesting.
time Ema visits her grandparents, I plan to fill a large box with sand or
gravel and hide the fossils in there, so that she can really excavate them.