Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Čestitke za 8. mart - Mother's Day Cards - ver. 2013

I ove godine smo odlučile da obradujemo „tete“ koje su Emi najdraže i da im pošaljemo čestitke koje je ona (barem većim delom) sama pravila. Naišla sam na odličnu ideju na ovom linku, a ako imate dečaka, na sajtu ćete naći i verziju za njih:)

Prošlogodišnje čestitke možete pronaći ovde, a one još starije - ovde.

We decided to give thanks to the lovely ladies in Ema's life, as we did last year, and to send them cards that Ema (at least, mostly) made on her own. I have found a great idea on this site. There is a male version of the card, too.

Our last year's card can be found here, and here you can find the ones from the year before that.


  1. Sve je bolja u ovim craft stvarima! Veoma lepo

  2. Mnogo slatko! Nema ko se ne bi obradovao ovakvom decijem umecu! Bravo za Emu :) i mamu koja je animira :)

  3. Oh, these turned out so cute! Thank you so much for sharing them. They make me smile and really make my day!

    1. Thank you for sharing your idea, my daughter and I really enjoyed making these cards :)
