Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jesenja princeza - Autumn princess

Pre par dana smo u povratku iz vrtića nakupile punu vreću suvog lišća i tek danas smo stigle da ih iskoristimo.

Prvo smo pravile krunu od lišća. Na pravougani tanji karton je Ema lepila listove, zalepila krajeve i onda pozirala.

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A few days ago, on our way back from kindergarten, we collected a bagfull of autumn leaves, but only today we had the time to use them.

First, we made an autumn leaves crown. Ema pasted the leaves onto a thin rectangular cardboard, we glued the ends together, and then came the time for posing.

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Pošto nam je ostalo još puno lišća, setila sam se nečega što smo kao klinci radili - ocrtavanje listova na papiru. Sećate se toga, zar ne? Stavite list ispod papira (to smo radili i sa novčićima) i onda voštanom bojicom pređete preko toga. To je Emi držalo pažnju baš dugo.
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Since we had a lot of leaves left, I remembered an activity we used to do as kids - tracing leaves on paper. Do you remember doing that? You put a leaf under a sheet of paper (we used to do it with coins, too) and then colour over it with a crayon. Ema enjoyed this activity for quite a while.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Za jednog Relju i jednu Kalinu - Baby Relja and baby Kalina

Svet je bogatiji za jednog Relju (dete naših kumova) i jednu Kalinu (ćerkicu suprugovog kolege). Da bismo im poželeli dobrodošlicu, odlučili smo da im poklonimo nešto iz moje „radionice” - portiklice i peškiriće sa izvezenim motivima iz knjige „Cross Stitch Alphabets” autorke Sue Cook. Jako mi se dopadaju ova izvezena slova i u knjizi ih ima čak 50 različitih vrsta, tako da samo tražim izgovor da izvezem još koje.

The world is a richer place now that Relja (our best man and maid of honour's son) and Kalina (my husband's colleague's daughter) have arrived. To welcome them, we have decided to give them something from my "workshop" - a bib and a baby towel with cross stitched letters taken from the book "Cross Stitch Alphabets" by Sue Cook. I have enjoyed making these letters so much and there are 50 different alphabets in the book, so I can't wait to find a reason to do some more.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kape za Svratište - Caps for the homeless

U okviru pletačke grupe „Srbija” (na sajtu pokrenuta je akcija prikupljanja pletene, šivene i heklane robe za decu i mlade okupljenih oko Svratišta.
Odziv je bio iznenađujuće velik, a ovo je moj mali doprinos.

Knitting group "Serbia" (on has organized the collection of knitted, sewn and crocheted winter garments for homeless children and young adults. The garments are to be sent to the homeless shelter called "Svratište" in Belgrade.
This is my small contribution.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Moj jednogodišnji projekat - A year long project

Prekrivač sam započela prošlog leta i završila ga skoro tačno godinu dana kasnije.
Plela sam sa St. George Tango pamukom, ali na žalost nisam izmerila koliko je prekiravač težak pre ušivanja postave, pa sad ne znam količinu. Prvo je počelo kao ćebence za Emu, onda je Ema porasla, pa je onda trebalo biti veće ćebence, i na kraju je preraslo u prekrivač za njen krevet.

Tokom tih godinu dana sam naučila sledeće:
  1. Uvek je dobro imati u kući jedan ovakav projekat, kojem se možete vratiti kada god neki kraći bude gotov, a vi ne znate šta da pletete. To će vas sprečiti da odjurite u prodavnicu prediva i navrat-nanos kupujete vunu, jer vas „svrbe prsti” (meni se to često dešava).
  2. Uvek je dobro plesti projekte koji se ne ušivaju, odnosni čiji se delovi ne sastavljaju, pa kad jednom završite sa pletenjem, završili ste i sa projektom. Ovaj prekrivač je rađen „Log Cabin” sistemom, tako da kvadrat/pravougaonik nastaje podizanjem očica iz prethodnog.
  3. Uvek je dobro da kada u zemlji Srbiji kupujete predivo gledate da kupite dovoljno, a ne po sistemu „biće toga i kasnije”, jer neće biti. Barem ne iste debljine, boje ili nijanse. To sam naučila težim putem.
  4. Uvek je dobro, a čak i najbolje, kada imate prijateljicu koja je vešta sa šivaćom mašinom, pa može da vam pomogne oko postavljanja prekrivača. Hvala bensedin art na veeeelikoj pomoći sa ovim projektom :)

I started knitting this bed cover last summer and finished it almost exactly a year later.
I've used St. George Tango cotton, but unfortunately I didn't measure the weight of the bed cover before sewing the lining, so I have no idea about the quantity of the cotton used. It first started as a baby blanket for Ema, but then Ema grew bigger, so it was supposed to be a regular blanket, but in the end it turned out to be a bed cover for her room.

During this year I have learned the following:

  1. It is always a good thing to have a project like this around the house - a project that you can go back to after you finish a smaller one and don't know what to do with yourself. This should stop you from running to the closest yarn shop, buying the first thing you get your hands on, because your fingers itch from the lack of knitting (this happens to me a lot).
  2. It is always a good thing to knit projects that don't require sewing pieces of it together. So, when you're finished with the knitting part, you're basically finished altogether. This bed cover was made using the "Log Cabin" pattern, by lifting the stitches of a square/rectangle to make a new one.
  3. It is alway a good thing to buy the whole amount of yarn that you need for a project at once (at least in Serbian yarn shops), and not to rely on the shop having it later as well. Because it won't. At least not in the same colour or weight. Learned it the hard way.
  4. It is always a good thing, and perhaps the best, to have a friend who is handy with the sewing machine, so that she can help you with sewing the lining. Thank you, bensedin art, for all the help with this project :)