Sunday, March 27, 2011

Haljina za devojčicu - Little girl dress

U poslednje vreme sam bila baš zatrpana poslom (što je, u principu, dobro) ali i nekim drugim manje dobrim obavezama, pa baš nisam stigla puno da pletem. Kada mi prođe dan a da nisam sela bar 15 minuta da se družim sa svojim iglama imam osećaj kao da je dan bio izgubljen.
Ipak, uspela sam da završim Little Sister's Dress na vreme da mala princeza stigne u njoj na rođendan kod svoje najbolje drugarice iz vrtića. Pretila je opasnost da će joj biti pretoplo u ovoj haljini (taj dan je bilo preko 20 stepeni), ali smo haljinu ipak obukli.
Recept za haljinu je savršen, ništa nisam morala da menjam, tako da ga od srca preporučujem, čak i pletiljama početnicama. Jedino što zahteva veću debljinu prediva, tako da sam ja za dete od 2 godina plela najmanju veličinu (kao za 3 meseca). Eto potvrde da je neophodno uraditi gauge pre nego što počnete plesti (iako ja to nerado radim, jer jedva čekam da počnem novi projekat).
Koristila sam St. George predivo, Una 23. Ovo predivo nikako ne bih preporučila početnicima, jer se jako lista, pa morate biti dosta pažljivi da podignete celu petlju.
Još jedan podvig vezan za ovaj projekat je to što sam sada prvi put plela "kako treba". Naime, do sada sam prave petlje plela "through the back loop", misleći da je to jedini način. Međutim, nije. Sada kada sam plela "through the front loop", pletivo mi je puno ujednačenije. Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da treniram ruke da pletu drugačije, ali vredelo je. Isti problem sam imala i kod krivih i očica, tako da sam se i tu prevaspitala. Čovek se uči dok je živ :))

* * * 

I have had tons of work lately (which is, basically, good), but also some less than pleasant obligations, so I haven't had much time to knit. When a day goes by without at least a quarter of an hour of knitting, it is a day wasted.
Nevertheless I managed to finish the Little Sister's Dress in time for the little princess to wear it to a birthday party for her best friend from daycare. There was a serious danger that the day would be too hot for this dress (it was more than 20 degrees that day), but she wore it anyway.
The pattern for this dress is flawless, I didn't have to change a thing, so I wholeheartedly recommend it, even to beginners. It did ask for a thicker yarn, so for a two-year-old I knitted the size for a 3 months old baby. Just goes to show how important it is to do the gauge before beginning the project, which I rarely do because I can't wait to start a new project.
I used St.George Una 23 thread. I would not recommend it to beginners, because you need to be very careful when sliding a stitch, for it tends to break apart into individual threads.
Another personal victory connected to this project is the fact that this is the first time I have knitted something "the correct way" (if there is such a thing). All these years I have knitted "through the back loop", thinking that is the only way to do it. However, it is not. Now that I have switched to knitting "through the front loop", my stitches are much more even. It took some time to train my hands to do it differently, but it was so worth it. I had the same problem with purl stitches, so I changed that as well. You live and learn :))

Monday, March 7, 2011

8.mart, međunarodni dan žena - Mother's Day card

S obzirom da smo celu proteklu nedelju suprug i ja naizmenično dežurali oko Eme (temperatura preko 39 u trajanju od 5 dana), nisam baš bila nešto predpraznično raspoložena. Ali, kako bih sebi malo skrenula misli, skoknula sam do svojih mi omiljenih blogova i kod mame koja ne radi na repeat pronašla odličnu ideju za čestitku za osmi mart.

Naime, sve što vam je potrebno je:

  1. parče hamera u željenoj boji
  2. lepak za papir
  3. skalpel
  4. fotka drage vam osobe (dete ili čak i vi) koja drži ruku ispruženu, a prste skupljene (čik nađite jednu takvu kad vam treba!)
  5. cvetić (možete ga i sami napraviti, a možete ga i kupiti kod Kineza, ja sam izabrala drugu varijantu)

Fotografiju razvijte na onu klasičnu veličinu nekadašnjih foto albuma, da bi vam stala čestitka u klasični koverat (praktičnosti radi). Kada birate fotografiju, bilo bi dobro da ispružena ruka ne bude ispred lica, jer je onda cvet nešto teže namestiti. Isecite po jedan mali trougao ispod i iznad savijene šake i kroz ta dva otvora provucite dršku cveta. Sve lepo prilepite na isečeni hamer, dodajte veselu poruku, spakujte u koverat i čekajte pozitivne reakcije! Mi smo poslali po jednu svakoj baki i sutra ćemo predati treću vaspitačicama u vrtiću (malko se ulizujemo, od malih nogu, ali šta da se radi :D ).

Having in mind that my husband and I spent the previous week playing nurse around Ema (a fever of over 39 degrees, lasting for 5 days), I was not really in the mood for the upcoming holiday. But, to take my mind off these things, I opted for reading some posts by my favourite bloggers. I came across this great idea for a Mother's day card on mothers don't operate on repeat  blog.

What you need is the following:
  1. a sheet of paper for making cards in the desired colour
  2. paper glue
  3. a scalpel
  4. a photo of a loved one (a child, or perhaps even you) with their hand stretched open and fist closed (I dare you to find such a photo when you really need it!)
  5. a paper flower (you can make one, but I bought mine)

Print out the photo in the desired size (compare it to the envelope, make sure it fits). When choosing a photo, it would be better to have the hand stretched out away from the face, it will make the placing of the flower easier. Cut out one small triangle above and one under the fist and pull the flower stem through these openings. Paste everything to the paper, add a nice message, put the card in the envelope and wait for the oohs and aahs.