Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Naš prvi maskenbal -- Our first costume party

Ema je ove jeseni krenula u vrtić. I, kako to već biva, i mama je dobila nove obaveze. Tokom prednovogodišnje nedelje, jedna od aktivnosti koje su klinci imali bio je i maskenbal.
Mama je razmišljala i mozgala i došla do zaključka da mala princeza ipak neće moći ići na maskenbal maskirana kako je mami drago (kao mali anđeo, sa sve krilima i oreolom), već da ćemo morati spustiti kriterijume i odabrati nešto što će dete hteti da stavi na sebe.
I, bacih se ja na Internet. Na ovom sajtu sam našla neke odlične ideje za kostime koje sam mogla prilagoditi kratkom vremenskom periodu kojeg sam imala za pripremu, kao i malom vrtiguzu koji ne trpi mnogo toga na sebi. 
I, tako, dobismo Jagodicu Emicu. Crvenu majicu i pantalone smo već imali, samo je trebalo docrtati tačkice. A listići su štrikani pa nanizani na heklani lanac. Da sam imala više vremena isprobala bih kostim na njoj pre maskenbalskog jutra, ali, na žalost, nisam uspela. 
Zapažanja: listiće je trebalo zašiti na majicu, ne bi se toliko uvrtali i manje bi iritirali Jagodicu. U originalnom izdanju kostim je trebalo napuniti koflinom, ali je u vrtiću pretoplo da se još i tapaciramo. Isto tako nedostaje i zelena kapica sa peteljkom, ali mom detetu ne pada na pamet da nosi išta na glavi kada se nalazi u zatvorenom prostoru.
Dogodine ćemo biti spretniji i iskusniji!

Ema started going to daycare this autumn. And, as expected, Mom got some new responsibilities. During the week before New Year one of the many activities the kids had was a costume party.
So, Mom put on her thinking cap and came to the conclusion that the little princess would not be dressed up as Mom would have like it (as a little angel, with wings and a halo) and that we would have to lower our criteria and choose a costume that the child would agree to wear.
And, I hit the Internet. I came across this site where I found some great ideas for costumes that can be adapted to the short time I had to prepare, as well as to the little fidgety fish who does not tolerate wearing excess clothes.
And that's how we got Strawberry EmaCake. We already had the red shirt and the red trousers, all I had to do is to draw the little dots. The strawberry leaves are knitted and then lined onto a crocheted chain. If I had had more time I would have tried the costume on before the morning of the costume party, but no such luck!
Notes: The leaves should have been sewn onto the shirt, they wouldn't have got so twisted and would have irritated the little Strawberry a lot less. The original pattern calls for stuffing the costume, but I came to a conclusion that stuffing was the last thing we needed in the overheated daycare. Another thing missing is the green cap with the stem, but my kid would never agree to wear a cap indoors.
We'll be craftier and more experienced next year!


  1. Preslatka je! Toliko je slatka da ovoj jagodi ne treba ni šećer ni šlag! :) a za kostim, bravo Mama!

  2. Plavo, lepo oko, ma šećerak jedan:)!
