Saturday, January 4, 2014

Otisci u gipsu - Plaster handprints

Ove zime su bake i dede od Deda Mraza dobili otiske ručica svojih unuka. Ovo je super-lak porodični poduhvat, ne zahteva mnogo ulaganja ni vremena ni novca, a kao poklon ili uspomena je veoma efektan.

Prvo je potrebno da umesite „testo“ za domaći plastelin, a sastojci su sledeći:

1 čaša brašna
1/2 čaše soli
malo ulja
1/2 čaše vode (odn. po potrebi)

Za kalup koji sam koristila potrebno je napraviti četvorostruku količinu testa.

Kada umesite testo, razvijte ga oklagijom na debljinu od približno 5 cm, pa u njega utisnite neku kutiju ili šerpicu, kako bi kalup dobio oblik.

U kalup zabodite slamčice za sok na mestima gde želite da kasnije provučete tračice kojima ćete okačiti sliku.

Zatim utisnite otisak koji želite (šaku ili stopalo), pa kalup zalijte gipsom. Mi smo kupili obični zidarski gips, ali bi bilo bolje da koristite neki kvalitetniji, odn. sitniji i belji. Gips rastvorite u vodi na način naveden na pakovanju.

I to je to! Nakon par sati možete pažljivo skinuti testo sa gipsa. Gips će se kasnije još dosta dugo sušiti (u pitanju su dani), ali će biti dovoljno čvrst da sa njega skinete kalup. Testo će se malko zalepiti za gips, ali kada se prosuši možete ga skinuti četkicom.

Testo premesite, stavite u najlon kesu, pa u frižider, i moći ćete ga koristiti iznova koliko god puta želite.

Video upustvo možete pronaći na ovom linku.

This winter Santa brought our grandmothers and grandfathers these handprints. This is a super easy family project, that requires a very small amount of time and money, but makes a wonderful present or a memory.

First you need to make the salt dough, for which you will need the following:

1 cup of flour
1/2 cups of salt
a little bit of cooking oil
1/2 cup of water (though this is just an approximation)

For the mould of this size you will need 4 times the amount of ingredients mentioned above.

After you have finished with the kneading, use a rolling pin to flatten the dough, so it is approximately 5 cm thick. Then press a plastic box or any other object with flat edges to give the mould its shape.

Place one or two plastic straws into the dough where you plan to make openings for strings you will use to hang the picture.

Press the hand or the foot of the child into the mould and pour the plaster over the dough. When preparing the plaster, follow the instructions given on the package.

And that's that! After a few hours you can gently remove the dough from the plaster. It will take a lot longer for the plaster to dry (a few days), but it will be firm enough to remove the mould. The dough will stick to the plaster a bit, but when it dries use a brush to remove it.

Knead the dough again, put it in a plastic bag and place it in the fridge. You can reuse it time and time again.

You can find a video instruction here.