Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Seoce na našem prozoru - Winter village

Kako izgleda da za ove praznike neće biti snega, napravile smo svoje seoce u zimskoj idili. Kućice smo napravili od belog hamera, a krovove od filca prelepljenog preko hamera. Jelkice su takođe od filca. Sve je ukrašeno pomoću drvofiksa i raznih šljokica, zvezdica i pahuljica. Ispod svega toga sam provukla novogodišnje lampice. Bilo bi impresivnije da sam u kućice stavila LED lampice (vidim da ima da se kupe u kineskim radnjama), ali one svetle samo belo, a mi smo htele da bude šareno.

Šeme kućica pogledajte ovde, ovde i ovde.

Ukoliko imate više vremena i strpljenja, vredi probati i ovo. To planiram za sledeću godinu.

Since it seems that we will have no snow this holiday season, we decided to make our own winter village. The houses are made from thicker white paper and for the rooftops we used felt glued to paper. The Christmas trees are also made from felt. Everything is decorated using glue and snowflakes, stars and glitter. I put Christmas lights under the little houses, but it would have been better if I had LED tealights (I've seen them in Chinese shops, but they emit only white light, and we were going for different colours).

You can find some house templates here, here and here.

And if you have more time, these felt houses are definitely worth a try. I leave that for next year.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Plavo peškirče - A blue baby shower present

Ovaj plavi peškirić je namenjen našem drugaru Davidu. Slova su izvezena na osnovu šeme iz knjige „Spell It Out“ autorke Joan Elliot, a za šivački deo ovog poduhvata zaslužna je bensedinart.

This blue towel is a present for our little friend David. I used the pattern published in "Spell It Out", by Joan Elliot, and the sewing part was done by bensedinart.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Slatki ukrasi za jelku - Sweet Christmas Tree Decorations

Ove ukrase smo napravile prošle godine, ali zahvaljujući jutarnjim mučninama, nisam stigla na vreme da objavim post. Ali, taman stiže za ovogodišnje praznike.

Za ove ukrase vam je potrebno:

  • kristal šećer
  • šljokice u boji
  • voda
  • zvezdice, kuglice, šta god još želite za ukrašavanje
  • modle za kolače
  • tacna ili tepsija za ređanje ukrasa
  • šibica, čačkalica ili slamčica za sok
  • trakica
Pomeštajte šećer sa šljokicama (kupila ih kod Kineza, mislim da su bile namenjene za manikir) i dodajte vrlo malo vode, tako da dobijete smesu sličnu snegu (tako da se šećer ne rastvori, nego samo dobro navlaži). Na tacnu stavite modlu za kolače i napunite je smesom. Prstima dobro utisnite smesu, po želji ukrasite zvezdicama ili kuglicama, pa napravite rupicu pomoću šibice. Kasnije mi je palo na pamet da bi bilo dobro utisnuti parče slamčice u masu, kako se otvor tokom sušenja ne bi zatvorio.
Tacnu stavite na radijator preko noći da se ukrasi osuše. Ako vam je smesa dovoljno gusta, moći ćete da sa šećera uklonite modlu gotovo odmah, pa možete napraviti više ukrasa odjednom.
Kada su ukrasi suvi, provucite trakicu kroz otvor i okačite na jelku :)
We made these decorations last Christmas, but due to my morning sickness I didn't manage to write a post about them in time. So here are the instructions, ready for this Christmas.
You will need:
  • sugar
  • some glitter
  • water
  • cookie cutters
  • a tray
  • a match, a tooth pick or a straw
  • ribbons or strings
Mix the sugar with the glitter and add just a little water. The mixture should resemble snow (the sugar should not dissolve, it should only be a little wet). Put the cookie cutters on the tray and fill them with the mixture of sugar and water. Use your fingers to press the sugar into the cutter, add little stars or balls or any other decoration if you wish, and make a small hole using a match. It occurred to me later that we should have pressed a short piece of straw into the mixture, so that the opening would not close during the drying period.
Let the ornaments dry overnight. If the mixture of sugar and water isn't too watery, you will be able to remove the cookie cutter almost immediately, so you can use it again straight away.
When the decorations are dry, hang the ornaments on the Christmas tree using a string or a ribbon.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Odbrojavanje do Božića - Counting down till Christmas

Ove godine smo prvi put pravile adventski kalendar. Na internetu možete pronaći more ideja, mada smo mi na ovu došli sami.

Potrebno vam je sledeće:

A konačan proizvod izgleda ovako:

Kutijice smo obmotale trakama (da radim ponovo, ne bih ih obmotavala, već bih samo na gornju stranicu nalepila jedno parče trake) i zalepile na karton. Prilikom lepljenja je Ema vežbala pisanje brojeva, što se vidi iz priloženog :)

Ipak, ključni deo adventskog kalendara nije samo u tome da ga napravite, već da ga ispunite. Običaj je da se u kutijice (ili prozorčiće) stave slatkiši ili neke druge sitnice. Slatkiša nikad dovoljno, barem kada se klinci pitaju, a sitnica po kući imamo i previše (verujem da je stanje i kod vas isto - ništa lepše nego kad usred noći bosi nagazite na malog ponija). Takođe, kako sezona praznika tek počinje, poklona će biti i previše, pa vremenom sve to i gubi onaj pravi smisao Božića. Stoga sam se odlučila da uradim i nešto drugo. Prva kutijica je sadržavala dve kiki bombone, druga jedan balon, a ostale će imati i neku kreativnu notu. Opcije su mi za sada ove:

1. pronašla sam u časopisu sliku Dore i isekla na kvadratiće kao slagalicu, u dnu slike sam ispisala „Tamo gde uveče spustiš glavu, pronaći ćeš nagradu malu“, pa kada Ema složi slagalicu videće tekst i nadam se znati da treba da pronađe pokončić ispod jastuka.

2. isekla sam sliku zeke sa kutije Neskvika na trake, sa istom idejom slaganja slagalice (pošto ti delovi neće moći stati u kutijicu od šibica, u kutijici će biti papirić sa tekstom: „Ova kutijica je suviše mala da bi nagradica u nju stala“, pa onda uputstvo gde pronaći slagalicu, itd.

3. kod Kineza sam našla malu kutijicu sa desetak cvetića i parčetom najlona, od čega treba da se napravi narukvica ili ogrlica (mada takav kompletić možete napraviti i sami)

4. poklončić mogu biti i ulaznice za pozorište, bioskop, muzej ili nešto što dete zanima

5. planiram da napravim i ulaznice za „kućni bioskop“, odnosno jedno veče gledanja nekog dugometražnog crtaća sa celom porodicom i kokicama

Dakle, mogućnosti su velike, pustite mašti na volju :)

P.S. Ujutru mnogo lakše i brže ustajemo za vrtić!

* * *
This is the first time we made our own advent calendar. There are lots and lots of ideas on the internet, but we came up with our own.
What you need is the following:
  • 24 empty matchboxes
  • decorative tapes
  • glue
  • scissors
  • a piece of thicker paper to glue the boxes on
We glued the tapes around the boxes (if I had to do this again I would glue only one small piece of tape on top of the box, not around it) and then glued the box onto the green paper. Ema practiced writing numbers (which you, no doubt, see for yourself).
Still, besides making the calendar, the fun of it is finding out what's inside it every morning. I am not a huge fan of feeding kids chocolate every morning or giving them trinkets that they will forget about after an hour or so (I'm sure you can relate to that, especially after stepping barefoot onto a tiny "little pony" in the middle of the night) just for the sake of giving. Also, the kids will get so many presents for Christmas, that it sometimes gets too much and loses all meaning. So the first box contained a candy, the second one a balloon, and then I thought of some more creative ideas.
1. I've cut up a picture of Dora the Explorer from some magazine and made a puzzle. At the bottom of the picture I've written a note: Where you lay your head in the evening, you can find a present waiting. Forgive me, but in Serbian this rhymes and sounds much better :) The note gets separated in different pieces of the puzzle, so you can read it only after putting the puzzle together.When Ema finished the puzzle, we read the note and she rushed off to her bedroom to find her prize.
2. I put a note in the box saying that the box is too small to contain a surprise (again, it rhymes in Serbian) and put clues as where to find the pieces of the puzzle (I've cut up the box of Nesquick, the one with the rabbit on it, and turned it into a puzzle).
3. You can make small kits for making bracelets (beads and a piece of string), so that your child can make a piece of jewelry.
4. I thought of putting tickets for the cinema, theatre or museum, depending on what we can manage to see in December.
5. I am also planning to make tickets for a "home movie night", for watching a full length cartoon with the whole family and lots of popcorn.
So, be creative and let you imagination run wild. You know what your child likes and enjoys, and this is a good way to start of the Christmas fun.
P.S. And it's a great way to get your kids to get up earlier for kindergarten :)

Rezultat akcije pletenja za Sigurnu kuću - 308 radova!

Akcija pletenja/heklanja/šivenja za korisnice Sigurne ženske kuće u Novom Sadu se završava. Započeta je u julu ove godine i do sada je stiglo 308 radova. A šta su sve vredne ruke izradile?

*popke i čarape (dečje) - 20 pari
*popke i čarape (za odrasle) - 10 pari

*trake za kosu - 11 kom.

*rukavice (dečje) - 4 para
*rukavice (za odrasle) - 10 pari

* torbe - 2 kom.

*suknje (dečje) - 1 kom.

*haljine (dečje) - 2 kom.

*lutke - 1 kom.

*ćebence (dečje) - 1 kom.

*milje - 2 kom.

*heklani cvetovi - 11 kom.

*ogrlice - 1 kom.

*džemperići za pse - 2 kom.

*šalovi i marame - 70 kom.

*džemperi i prsluci (za odrasle) - 12 kom.
*džemperi i prsluci (za decu) - 35 kom.

*pončo (za odrasle) - 3 kom.
*pončo (za decu) - 2 kom.

*kape (za odrasle) - 51 kom.
*kape (za decu) - 57 kom.

Akcija je prevazišla sva naša očekivanja i izuzetno sam ponosna na sve dame koje su se uključile, kao i na našu pletačku grupu NS Needles koja je sve ovo pokrenula. Posebno se zahvaljujemo našim sponzorima pozamanterijama Naca 021, Bumbar iz Beograda i Alisa iz Nove Pazove.

Radove smo sortirale, prebrojale i spakovale i sada čekaju da budu predate u Sigurnu kuću - o tome u nekom od narednih postova.