Monday, March 26, 2012

Pokloni za male princeze - Gifts for little princesses

Juče je Ema išla na rođendan kod svoje drugarice iz vrtića, koja je uz to nedavno dobila i mlađu sestru. Kako bi pokloni malo ličniji pečat, pretražila sam „knjigu sa receptima” i pronašla ovu kapicu. Zove se Poppy, a autor je Justine Turner.
Mustra se veoma lako plete, mada sadrži i neke naprednije tehnike. Savladala sam „kratke redove” i tehniku „obmotaj i okreni” (u slobodnom prevodu), čemu se jako radujem.
Uputstvo za te tehnike sam pronašla na internetu (a gde drugde u današnje vreme, zar ne?), tj. na YouTube-u, pa ću i da ih podelim sa vama.
Cvetovi koji krase ove kapice su iz već puno puta pominjane i moje omiljene knjige „Knitting Over the Edge”, autorke Nicky Epstein. (Oko žutog cvetića sam imala pomoć, usled nedostatka vremena - hvala, Heklice)

Yesterday we took Ema to a birthday party hosted by her friend from daycare, who has recently become a big sister. In order to make the presents for these little princesses a bit more personal, I turned to my "recipe book" and found this pattern. It's called Poppy and the author is Justine Turner. It's fairly simple to knit, but it does contain some more advanced techniques such as "short rows" and "wrap and turn" (W&T), which I successfully mastered :)

I have found instructions for these techniques on the Internet (where else nowadays, right?), i.e. on YouTube, and I'll share the links with you:

The flowers were made according to the patterns from my favourite book "Knitting Over the Edge" by Nicky Epstein. I've had some help with the yellow flower, due to the lack of time - thanks, Heklica!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Krompir - drugi deo *** Potatoes - revisited

Opet smo se igrali sa pečatima od krompira i ovaj put napravili čestitke za 8. mart. Poslali smo ih dvema bakama, dvema prabakama, jednoj tetki i trima vaspitačicama. Puno ljubavi :)

We played with potatoe stamps and made Mother's Day cards. We sent them to two grandmas, two great grandmas, one aunt and three daycare teachers. Lots of love sent around :)