Thursday, December 22, 2011

Čestitke - mada ne novogodišnje (Cards, but not Christmas ones)

Obe naše bake imaju rođendan u novembru, pa smo iskoristile priliku da obožavano crtanje vodenim boja uobličimo u čestitke. Jedna od Eminih omiljenih tehnika crtanja vodenim bojama (mokrim bojama, kako ih ona zove) je crtanje prstima, pa smo se toga držali.
Pravili smo buket cveća tako što sam ja nacrtala drške cveća, a ona je umakala prste u boje i dodavala cvetiće. Ukoliko dete ne želi da igra po pravilima, pustite ga da stavlja tačkice gde god želi, a vi posle docrtajte drške cvetova.
Planirala sam da napravimo takve čestitke i za novogodišnje praznike, samo da umesto drški cvetova na slici bude kontura jelke, a da tačke predstavljaju ukrasne kugle, ali smo bili prezauzeti sa selidbom i majstorima, pa jednostavno nije stiglo na red ove godine.

Both of our grandmas have birthdays in November, so we used this chance to channel our beloved water colour drawing into making birthday cards for them. One of Ema's favourite techiques when using water colours (or wet colours, as she calls them) is finger painting, se we stuck to that.
We made a bunch of flowers in a way that I drew the flower stems, and she dipped her fingers into the water colours and added the flowers. If your child doesn't like playing by the rules, let him/her put the dots wherever they want and add the stems later.
I was planning to make similar cards for the upcoming Christmas holidays, but with a drawing of a Christmas tree in stead of the flower stems. The dots were to represent Christmas ornaments. However, with our moving into a new flat, I was too busy to see this through. Next year, perhaps.