Thursday, December 12, 2013

Slatki ukrasi za jelku - Sweet Christmas Tree Decorations

Ove ukrase smo napravile prošle godine, ali zahvaljujući jutarnjim mučninama, nisam stigla na vreme da objavim post. Ali, taman stiže za ovogodišnje praznike.

Za ove ukrase vam je potrebno:

  • kristal šećer
  • šljokice u boji
  • voda
  • zvezdice, kuglice, šta god još želite za ukrašavanje
  • modle za kolače
  • tacna ili tepsija za ređanje ukrasa
  • šibica, čačkalica ili slamčica za sok
  • trakica
Pomeštajte šećer sa šljokicama (kupila ih kod Kineza, mislim da su bile namenjene za manikir) i dodajte vrlo malo vode, tako da dobijete smesu sličnu snegu (tako da se šećer ne rastvori, nego samo dobro navlaži). Na tacnu stavite modlu za kolače i napunite je smesom. Prstima dobro utisnite smesu, po želji ukrasite zvezdicama ili kuglicama, pa napravite rupicu pomoću šibice. Kasnije mi je palo na pamet da bi bilo dobro utisnuti parče slamčice u masu, kako se otvor tokom sušenja ne bi zatvorio.
Tacnu stavite na radijator preko noći da se ukrasi osuše. Ako vam je smesa dovoljno gusta, moći ćete da sa šećera uklonite modlu gotovo odmah, pa možete napraviti više ukrasa odjednom.
Kada su ukrasi suvi, provucite trakicu kroz otvor i okačite na jelku :)
We made these decorations last Christmas, but due to my morning sickness I didn't manage to write a post about them in time. So here are the instructions, ready for this Christmas.
You will need:
  • sugar
  • some glitter
  • water
  • cookie cutters
  • a tray
  • a match, a tooth pick or a straw
  • ribbons or strings
Mix the sugar with the glitter and add just a little water. The mixture should resemble snow (the sugar should not dissolve, it should only be a little wet). Put the cookie cutters on the tray and fill them with the mixture of sugar and water. Use your fingers to press the sugar into the cutter, add little stars or balls or any other decoration if you wish, and make a small hole using a match. It occurred to me later that we should have pressed a short piece of straw into the mixture, so that the opening would not close during the drying period.
Let the ornaments dry overnight. If the mixture of sugar and water isn't too watery, you will be able to remove the cookie cutter almost immediately, so you can use it again straight away.
When the decorations are dry, hang the ornaments on the Christmas tree using a string or a ribbon.

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