Saturday, August 1, 2015

U borbi protiv dosade br. 3 sa olovkom i papirom - Boredom buster No. 3 with pen and paper

Bili smo na moru, u apartmanu vile u kojoj je bilo smešteno još pet-šest porodica sa decom različitih uzrasta. Čovek bi pomislio da nikako ne može da im bude dosadno. Imali smo ogromno dvorište sa fino pokošenom travom, hladovinu, malo igralište i velike kamene stolove sa stolicama. Recept za sjajan provod. Međutim, imali smo i dnevni red po kojem nismo smeli da pisnemo od 14h do 17h (gazdarica nas je vrlo energično, onako pravo grčki, opominjala i rasterivala decu iz dvorišta). Kako nama mlađa ćerka u to vreme spava, nismo mogli na plažu, pa su deca bila primorana da se igraju tiho.

Da ne bi sve vreme imali telefone i tablete u rukama, na brzinu smo organizovali par drugačijih aktivnosti sa materijalom koji smo imali kod sebe.

1. Crtanje uz podstrek - na list papira nacrtate oči, a dete treba da nacrta sve ostalo, po svojoj želji. Kasnije smo u prodavnici pronašli nalepnice, pa smo to koristili za ideju (voće, povrće i slično).

2. Spoji tačkice na ubrusu - uzmete ubrus i bojice (najbolje flomastere) i igrate se „spoji tačkice“. Nisam imala pojma da ubrusi (i toalet papiri) imaju tako zanimljiv dizajn. A ima ga u neograničenim količinama.

We spent some time at the seaside this year in an apartment. Five or six more families were there with children of different ages. You would think that kids could not get bored with a huge back yard with finely cut grass, lots of shade, a small playground and large stone tables with chairs around them. It was a recipe for a great time. However, we were also bound with a mandatory quiet time from 2 to 5 pm (the landlady was quite energetic when it came to rushing the kids off from the back yard). Since it was our younger daughter's nap time at that time, we couldn't go to the beach, so the kids had to play quietly.

We didn't want them to have tablets and cell phones in their hands all the time, so we had to come up with some quiet activities with materials we had at hand.

1. Prompted drawing - I drew a pair of eyes on a sheet of paper and the kids were to draw around them, however they wanted. Later we found some stickers in a store, so we used them as prompts (vegetables, fruit, etc.)

2. Connect the dots on kitchen towels - all you need is a kitchen towel and some crayons (markers work best) and you can start connecting the dots. I had no idea that kitchen towels (and toilet paper for that matter) have such interesting design. And they are not hard to come by.


1 comment:

  1. Šta da ti kažem,trebalo bi da počnete da kampujete :-D Tako ćete da izbegnete grčke gazdarice,ali fino ste se snašli :-)
