Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Plavi štrikaton NS Needles - NS Needles blue KAL

Grupa NS Needles se dogovorila da će ove godine imati dva štrikatona, prvi od 1. januara do 30. juna, a drugi od 1. jula do kraja godine. Prvi štrikaton je za temu imao boju (dakle, pletete/heklate šta želite, ali na zadatu boju), dok će drugi imati za temu određeni odevni predmet, a boju po izboru. Glasale smo i izglasale plavo.
Ovo je moj doprinos:
U pitanju je mustra Sonnensegel dizajnerke Ulrike Altrogge, a možete je besplatno skinuti kao Ravelry download ovde. Autorka je zamislila da šal bude trouglast, ali se meni više dopala ideja da bude romboidnog oblika. A to mi je i dalo opravdanje da napravim dva pom-poma. Koristila sam predivo Troitsk Yarn Angora (rođendanski poklon od prijateljice iz Beograda), a tamnije predivo je Vlnap Geisha, poklon od Heklice.
U štrikatonu je učestvovalo ukupno 12 pletilja, a izradile smo 17 radova za sada. Ukoliko ste član Ravelry-ja, radove možete pogledati ovde.
Our knitting group NS Needles has decided to organize two KALs this year. The first began on January 1st and ends on June 30th, and the second one begins on July 1st and lasts until the end of the year. The theme of the first KAL was to knit/crochet any garment in a previously determinted colour, whereas during the second KAL the task is going to be to knit/crochet a specific garment in a colour of our choice. We voted and the topic colour for the first KAL was decided to be blue.
I have knitted a shawl called Sonnensegel by Ulrike Altrogge, the pattern can be downloaded as a free Ravelry pattern here. The author has designed the shawl to be triangular shaped, but I decided to make it in a shape of a rhombus, thus having a reason to make two pom-poms :)
I used two types of yarn that I got as presents from my knitter friends: the lighter is Troitsk Yarn Angora (from a friend in Belgrade) and the darker one is Vlnap Geisha Color, a gift from Heklica.
12 knitters took part in this KAL, having knitted 17 garments so far (you can see them here).