Prilično je vremena prošlo od kako nisam postavila post o pletenju. Nije da ništa ne pletem, nego manekenka nije naročito voljna da se slika, a i vreme nikako nije htelo da se prolepša, pa nismo imali ni zgodnu pozadinu.
Elem, ovaj prsluk sam isplela još u februaru. Mustra se zove Wild Vanilla. Divna je za pletnje, ima puno pletenica, taman dovoljno da vam pletenje bude zanimljivo, ali ne i preterano opterećujuće. Prsluk se pokazao kao veoma praktičan za nošenje, Ema ga je nosila gotovo celu zimu. Ima i jedan zgodan detalj na leđima, malu pletenicu koja ustručuje prsluk, ali nikako nisam to uspela da prenesem fotoaparatom (na vebsajtu dizajnerke ćete pronaći mnogo bolju sliku).
Za izradu sam koristila predivo Troitsk Yarn My Baby i igle br. 3,5.
It's been quite a while since I've posted about my knitting projects. It's not that I've given up on knitting, it's just that my model is not willing to be photographed, and the weather has been so bad recently that we just couldn't find the right location for the photoshoot.
Anyway, I finished this vest in February. The pattern is called Wild Vanilla, and I've used Troitsk Yarn My Baby and 3.5mm needles.
The pattern is a joy to knit. It's got lots of cables, just enough to keep you occupied while knitting, but not overwhelmed. The vest proved to be a very practical piece of clothing, my daughter has been wearing all through the winter (and it has been a loooong winter).
It has also got a cute little cable at the back that makes a great detail, but I just couldn't get a good photo of it (check the pattern web site for a much more successful photo).
Elem, ovaj prsluk sam isplela još u februaru. Mustra se zove Wild Vanilla. Divna je za pletnje, ima puno pletenica, taman dovoljno da vam pletenje bude zanimljivo, ali ne i preterano opterećujuće. Prsluk se pokazao kao veoma praktičan za nošenje, Ema ga je nosila gotovo celu zimu. Ima i jedan zgodan detalj na leđima, malu pletenicu koja ustručuje prsluk, ali nikako nisam to uspela da prenesem fotoaparatom (na vebsajtu dizajnerke ćete pronaći mnogo bolju sliku).
Za izradu sam koristila predivo Troitsk Yarn My Baby i igle br. 3,5.
It's been quite a while since I've posted about my knitting projects. It's not that I've given up on knitting, it's just that my model is not willing to be photographed, and the weather has been so bad recently that we just couldn't find the right location for the photoshoot.
Anyway, I finished this vest in February. The pattern is called Wild Vanilla, and I've used Troitsk Yarn My Baby and 3.5mm needles.
The pattern is a joy to knit. It's got lots of cables, just enough to keep you occupied while knitting, but not overwhelmed. The vest proved to be a very practical piece of clothing, my daughter has been wearing all through the winter (and it has been a loooong winter).
It has also got a cute little cable at the back that makes a great detail, but I just couldn't get a good photo of it (check the pattern web site for a much more successful photo).
mnogo joj slatko stoji-mada i ona to ume da nosi :)
Presladak prsluk, a manekenka u njemu još slađa!